Hello! Welcome to my blog, and thank you for taking the time to read it. However you got here – be it through one of my business pages or another means, I want to say that I hope you take at least one positive thing away from your time on my blog.

I have decided to push myself to start blogging regular, and hopefully (eventually) every day and maybe even branch out into adding video content as well. But for now, I am aiming to start small.

Let me introduce myself and give you a little background about myself, my life & business. I’m Rebekah; a wife of going on 4 years to my college sweetheart, mother of two and founder of two businesses – Rebekah Heffington Photography and Grace & Company Designs.

To tell you a bit more about my journey, my background is in theatre technical production and graphic/web design. I am completely self-taught designer and photographer. Even though my college degree gave me an artistic design background and exposure to some of the programs I use today, I have had not formal classes in Graphic Design/Web Design or Photography.

I have always been an artistic person who equally excelled in computer related areas. Growing up with both parents being heavily involved in technology and computers – both from a software and hardware standpoint didn’t hurt. My husband jokingly refers to me as his Google and tech support (not a joke since I have worked as a technical support rep twice). Most teenagers didn’t spend hours playing with Photoshop or learning html web coding for fun, something that has helped me in was I never imagined it would years ago.

I met my husband, Michael, during the first week of my freshman year of college and we instantly connected as friends and shortly after that he asked me to be his girlfriend. That was in 2009 – fast forward a few years and we finally were able planning our wedding and get married the month after I graduated from college. It was a long road of some years long distance and others wondering if we would ever get share in a future together like so many couples we saw get married and start families of their own.
In 2014, the day I was walking for graduation from Liberty with my undergraduate degree, we got news that Michael had gotten a full-time job up there and he was to start in a few weeks. This green lighted the wedding plans in over the month of June that year while he was starting his new job and settling into our apartment, I was back home – wedding planning. It was a wonderful day and I was so thankful for all the love, support and help we received to make it happen in such a short time. I will always cherish the photos that my friend Heather, owner of HNR Photography, took of that special day.
Later that year we welcomed our little surprise, Abigail Grace. That is where my heart for design started to evolve into something more. What started as a favor to a friend, turned into a passion that my husband strongly encouraged me to pursue, which was the (unofficial) founding of what is now Grace & Company Designs.
For me, photography was a passion that grew out of a love for capturing little moments and documenting life through the lens of a camera. I started getting more serious with it, after the birth of my daughter, and kept upgrading my gear as she grew and got faster than my camera could handle. Soon I was using professional grade gear to take pictures of my daughter, and my friends saw a talent I had not even thought about. When your first session for someone else is their wedding, you feel a little overwhelmed, but I jumped into it relishing the challenge.
With people wanting my photography skills, naturally I started working on my website design, branding, marketing materials and other design related items – simple because I knew how, so why not save some money. That’s really where Grace & Co. started to grow from. I did little things, here and there for friends and fellow local creatives – logo designs, Instagram and Facebook marketing. When my husband saw how much it was actually taking off, he encouraged me to put just as much effort into that as well as my photography.
It has been a rough road, balancing two start-up business, a toddler and now a little one on the way. As my second pregnancy has progressed, I have done less and less photography, but all the while still focusing on my design work because I can more easily work that around my ever shifting schedule. 
Recently, I have worked on revamping my website and getting better at blogging, while preparing for the birth of our second child, a little boy. Our 3-year-old daughter is so excited for him to arrive. 
This is not the first time I have attempted a blog, but with two business and more life changes on the way – I decided maybe this is going to be my little slice of sanity. Or at the very least – daily interaction with other adults. I invite you to follow along as this new chapter in my life begins. 
Have a blessed day, and I hope you check back with me soon.

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