As my third trimester is winding down, I have been nesting and preparing like crazy. Call me paranoid, but when my first came 4 1/2 weeks before her due date (spontaneously), it pays to be prepared. So the bags are packed, the car is loaded and my birth preferences are typed up and in my purse at all times.
One of the major things I have learned this pregnancy, and that ALL pregnancies are different – from symptoms, progression, and even just the normal aches/pains and discomforts. With AbbyOwl, I was not even aware I was pregnant until almost my third trimester with no symptoms or complications until the 2-3 weeks leading to her delivery.
This time, almost from the start I had horrible nausea and vomiting, to the point of barely eating and drink which has so far caused me to lose almost 30 lbs (to date I have only gained back about 9 lbs, with no clue how big LittleT is).
Having been a few years since AbbyOwl was a newborn, it was nice to take the time to think over what worked and didn’t work for us, as well as things we know now, that it would have been nice to know then. So things like what to pack, or buying seasonal/age appropriate clothing have been less stressful. On the other hand, with an almost potty trained toddler, going back to diapers is not a fun prospect, neither is the stress of will breastfeeding work and will this one be collic-y too?
But over all, I have a short list of things I took away from raising one, and expecting a second.
1. A little helped is great, until they help too much.
2. Girl clothing is no where close to anything gender neutral.
3. Packing for all disaster options is second nature.
4. You know what brands/things work.
As I count down the days, I will try to add more posts in to help reflect back on pregnancy and how both have been rewarding in different ways.
God Bless!