With my son almost 5 months old, you would think I have this ‘mom of two’ thing down. You would be right – about 40% of the time. Sure, we knew what stuff to have for a baby and caring for him, as well as an idea of how the daily schedule would shift. But boy had it been hard – for a lot of reasons, none of which are my children’s fault.

Four people living in one room is really hard, especially when that room isn’t the normal square shape of a room. Just this past weekend, my husband and I rearranged it again, this time to sidecar my son’s crib to the bed. Technically this is co-sleeping but when he cries not being near someone and spends most days being held and napping on someone, it’s just our life.

My daughter has been trying to figure out her role shift, just like I have. All out mother-daughter activities have been shifted over to include a little brother — one who eats, sleeps and cries a lot. Most days she is good with him, it’s just when she get’s overly helpful that things begin to get crazy.

The past two months, I have been revamping my photography website as well as completely changing the focus of my design business to be geared more towards branding and web design. Doing this, while having two kids to watch full time has been rough. So the progress has been slow, and my husband get frustrated sometime when he comes home and wants to relax, while I need him to watch the kids for a few hours so I can actually get work done.

Right now, I have learned to function on so little sleeps but I couldn’t be happier. I love my children and even when my day is hectic and I feel so stress out — a hug will fix it. So I make sure to take snuggle breaks and just watch my children laugh and play, because that is what makes my life worth is!

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