I am so excited to share this session from Sunday! 

Rachelle is a local photographer I have worked with before while working as a hospital vendor photographer for newborn babies. We have had a great time chatting about shared stresses and ideas over our photography business and planning things. So when I asked if she wanted to do a Mommie & Me session in Downtown Hampton, she was excited to do a session with her little one. 

It was a overcast day but thankfully we only dealt with intermittent sprinkles. He was a bundle of energy and kept wanting to make silly faces, run around and talk about Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokémon. We started down at the little park down at the water over in Downtown Hampton, taking a bit of time to swing and then play a few games under the cover of the stage when the rain drops threatened to start.

After a bit we walked back past the little shops and found this cute little ally way tucked off the street besides an antique store. It didn’t look like much but I love the covered walk area and the colorful mural on the wall.

I have been starting to ask some questions after my sessions to get feed back and to help others to get a glimpse into how the session went from the client’s perspective.

What’s your favorite activity to do together?

We love going to the beach and seeing what kinds of little treasures we can find. We also like to have tickle wars, read stories together, and play Pokémon on his Nintendo DS lol!

Tell me a quick fact about your son and yourself.

We are both pretty silly together.

Do you have any plans for mother’s day or family traditions?

Hmm… not that I know of.. usually we’ll go out for brunch. So we may just do that! Who doesn’t love a good brunch!? I found two places that I love going to; one, is Park Lane and the other is a bit of a drive but totally worth it! It’s called The Bee and The Biscuit.

Tell me about your favorite parts of our session, or why you enjoyed the session.

Well, we work together so it was nice to see you away from work.

Tell me about the outfits you wore to the shoot (where you bought them, why you chose them, etc.)

I wore a cute little blue dress and my son wore a coral-ish red button up with a blue-ish gray tie with bicycles on it. I bought them both at Ross, simply because I thought they were cute and complemented each other well. And I found them at a good price haha!

What props did you bring and why?

Just our pretty/handsome selves!

What are some words of wisdom you have for others preparing for a similar session? 

Be yourself. Have fun with it and go with the flow. We have only one life and why wouldn’t you want to have some photos done of yourself and/or with your loved ones? It’ll be nice to look back at something for years to come!

Were you worried about any parts of the session beforehand? If so, what were the worries?

Not at all. I’ve seen some of the work Rebekah has done and she’s great!

The bond between a mother and son is a special thing. As they grow from baby to toddler to kid, you will find yourself struggling with the feeling that they may not need you. And that is partially true, but they still need you as a mom, always. It’s just their needs that changes as they do. Motherhood is an ever changing and confusing time, where you are trying to help raise and shape another human being while also trying to be the best mom possible is a full time job.

Take time to enjoy the little things and make happy memories to get you through the rough times. It’s why I love photography, because it freezes that moment forever for you to look back on and enjoy for the rest of your lifetime.

Check out more of this heartwarming sessions at here.

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